Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A sunburn in December

What a great weekend. Friday, 5am, time to hit the road. Dad and I loaded up the boat, meet up with the crew, and headed to the Sunshine State. We were headed to a small fishing village called Keaton Beach. Now when they said village, they weren't kidding. It consisted of about 40 houses, a marina, a hotdog stand, and a gas station. It is in the middle of nowhere, tucked in the "Big Bend" right on the Gulf. Wait, middle of nowhere and there is water! Sounds like my kind of place. Day one yielded no fish. However, it did yield a beautiful sunset and a great buzz.

Day two started with waking up to an interesting docking technic that only can be described with a photo.

After spending about an hour "undocking" our buddies boat, we hit the "Gulf" and once again we caught nothing. We came to the conclusion that the water temperature had changed so quickly that the fish were confused and not adjusted to it yet. Regardless we spent a second night grilling great food and watching the sunset with a cold one. The weather was perfect. Warm during the day and cool at night. My phone was proud to boast the "NO SERVICE" icon for three days and to be honest, it was kind of nice. It was a great time with great people. We woke up Sunday to homemade biscuits and country fried ham. Headed home and washed up the boat and stored it away for the winter. I can only hope the next few cold months fly by quickly so I can get back to my paradise and harvest some fish and some more "good times". Good times, good food, great friends, and some quality time with dad. It's all part of what I like to call "The Good Life".