Monday, May 24, 2010

I'll put is simple - Robert Gibbs is a raging idiot.

Robert Gibbs - your job is very simple. You answer pre-screened questions on behalf of the President. Of course, any President does not have time everyday to address the press. Or in the case of Barrack Obama, hasn't had the guts to take questions from the press for almost a year now. Anyways, Robert Gibbs's job is to address the media and answer their questions. His job is to be informed. However, he is far from informed. Not even close. He is a studdering, ignorant fool. I can't believe that Gibbs has the nerve to sit their and accuse somebody of not being informed. My intentions are not to defend Sara Palin, but to simply point out that the Obama admin., wants to call people names and make laws and go on and on with nonsence, but not apply any of it to themselves. Moving to Mexico at this point is sounding more and more appealing every day. Obama, your staff is as worthless as your are sir. You socialist piece of garbage.

The following is a press release:

Palin should get informed, cracks Gibbs
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs ripped former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Sunday in an interview with host Bob Schieffer on CBS's "Face the Nation."

Asked about Palin's comments that the Obama administration is too cozy with oil companies because of their campaign contributions to him, Gibbs said, "Sarah Palin was involved in that election but apparently wasn't paying a whole lot of attention."

"My suggestion to Sarah Palin would be to get slightly more informed," Gibbs said.

In the interview, Gibbs also declined to answer whether anyone at the White House had offered Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Sestak a job in the administration if he would stay out of the Democratic Senate primary against incumbent Arlen Specter. who lost to Sestak last week.

"Lawyers in the White House and others have looked into conversations that were had with Congressman Sestak," Gibbs said. "Nothing inappropriate happened."

Gibbs also pushed back against the notion that the BP oil spill is the Obama administration's version of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

"The difference in this case was we were there immediately, and we have been there ever since," Gibbs said. And he asserted that he resented suggestions in the media that the U.S. Government hasn't done anything to respond to the crisis. "I don't think anybody could credibly say .... that the government has stood around and hoped for the best," Gibbs said.

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