Saturday, November 20, 2010


Wow, what a crazy month it has been. Lot's has happened to me in this short period of time. I feel very relaxed right now. I'm sitting in the living room at my parents house with a nice fire going in the fireplace. My dad is stirring around in the kitchen cooking some sort of an amazing meal as he usually does. Tomorrow morning I will head to the Athens farm along with the sunrise and arrive in time for breakfast. Going to the Athens farm and to Perry make me realize how fast pace life is in Atlanta. Between the constant traffic updates on the radio, the check-in's on foursquare, the traffic, the local news breaks, it's nuts. Constant go go go, traffic traffic traffic something is always going on. I get to the farm and it's like time has stopped. You can see the stars at night. Within an hour of the sun going down, you are ready to get in the bed. People down here are like, "what the hell is a Twitter?". The innocence of it all is enticing at times. However, I'm not sure if I could ever go back to that lifestyle completely. I have a sigh if relief when I hit to road on a Friday and head to the farm. Wooo time to hunt, fish, drink, smoke cigars, and ride around with guns. It's calms me. However, come time to leave I also have a sigh of relief. Wooo time for talk radio, every store/restaurant I can think of, and more cigar shops than I can count haha. I guess I like to mix it up a bit. Both rural and suburban living have their advantages and disadvantages. Poor cell phone reception and no 3G coverage sucks, but so does shitty drivers and light pollution. Looks like one day I will be investing in my own weekend home in the county. Headed to bed, early. Well, earlier than 3am that is.

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