Saturday, April 17, 2010

15 Minutes of Fame

A very fun and interesting week has almost come to an end. As many of my friends know, I had a once in a lifetime experience this week. About a month ago, I obtained tickets to attend a live taping of Hannity. Upon arriving at the venue, my girlfriend and I were asked by the usher if we would be interesting in sitting on stage with Sean Hannity for the entire taping of the show. It was amazing. Not only did we get to meet Sean Hannity; but also Rick and Bubba, Dana Perino, Frank Luntz, and my favorite - The one and only Mr. Herman Cain. I had so much fun. Lauren go to sit right over Sean's shoulder, and ending up being in every shot during the entire show. This week also included the end of tax season. As a CPA, my father was very much relieved. Ther has been a lot of talk about a fair tax this year. Neal Bortz is a very big guru in the field. I do not know a lot about this "fair tax", but I do know that it is different from a flat tax. I am planning on reading Neal's book about it soon after I finish reading Carl Rove's book. I understand that the current tax system is too complex and very confusing. If it wasn't then people would not spend money to have people prepare their tax returns. However, with the current system that is place, there is an incentive to invest and spend. I am interested to find out how the fair tax will keep Americans from loosing that incentive. So if anybody out there can explain that too me, it will not fall in deaf ears.

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