Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Healthcare update

As anybody with a TV, radio, or computer knows; healthcare has been and still is an ongoing debate in our country. Now I'm not going to launch into a spew about how wrong Obamacare is because if you are reading this and you support Obamacare, well you are either an uniformed voter or part of the 53 percent of American's who do not pay taxes, and are just waiting for another handout from the government funded by the rest of us who actually pay taxes. I would like to share my latest healthcare. experience. Recently I obtained an ulser in my mouth due to an injury involving my toothbrush (got in a rush brushing my teeth one morning) After about 4 days of peroxide and orabase, I had no results. I was in pain and the ulser was not going away. At 8:15 on a Monday morning I called my extremely busy dental clinic with no appointment. I received no special treatment. By 9:00 am i was in the dentist chair. By 9:30 am I was out, ulser free and on my way. This all due to the efficient PRIVATE SECTOR healthcare that is currently under attack by the liberals and socialists that are currently in power in OUR federal government. Anybody who thinks that I would receive the same urgency and care under Obamacare is high off their ass. I have heard well you received that care because you have heath insurance. You are damn right I did. That is because healthcare is not a right. I would never expect to walk into a doctor's office, hospital, or heath care provider; receive treatment; and walk out expecting someone else to pay for it. There is no doubt that the insurance industry needs to make changes. Changes such as creating competition causing them to lower prices and premiums. A government takeover is not the answer. Forcing insurance companies to provide services to people no matter what their pre-existing condition is not the answer. Insurance companies ARE a BUSINESS. They are NOT a non-profit organization. If the gov't forces them to provide coverage to anybody and everybody will cause them to go out of business. Of course, this is what Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid ect... want to happen. When this happens, we will have no choice but to buy our insurance and healthcare from the federal government. This means BIG GOVERNMENT AND THIS IS WHAT OBAMA AND THE LIBERALS WANT. How dare they tell people how to run their business. NONE of these three people have EVER owned a small business. So someone please tell me what the hell qualifies them to tell Americans what to do when is comes to making decisions in their business, such as providing their employees with health insurance. Once again I am truly concerned about the direction this administration is taking this country. They are running it straight in the ground. I have yet to meet a liberal that can provide a valid argument using facts and REAL statistics. It seems every time they are proven wrong on a theory or idea, they just change the name of it to either cover up their mistake or not offend somebody. Global warming is a great example. When a group of scientists came forward and admitted the data was false, what did the liberals do? They changed the name of it to climate change. It is a hoax and a lie. It is a scam for people like Al Gore to make his fortune off of by taking advantage of gullible tree huggers and hippies. OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICAN BEFORE THE LIBERALS PULL THE WOOL OVER THEM.

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