Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome to the big show

Well this is my first post on my new blog. I have contemplated blogging for quiet some time now. I have decided that this is a way to voice my thoughts without crowding up everybody's facebook pages. I have many random thoughts from time to time. I have considered writing a book of them one day. Until then, I figure this is the easiest way for me to voice them. Many of these thoughts are political. However, ALL of them are common sense based. Common sense is something that our country as a whole, has left behind. This lose of CS ( common sense) is not limited to politics in America. In fact, it starts with the people. If the voters as a whole had CS, then they would not vote a bunch of career politicians and lawyers into office. Talk about a mis-representation of our general population. Our country has become a group of people that possesses an enormous feeling of entitlement. I shall set the record straight. NOBODY is entitled to anything because of the color of their skin, their religion, sexual orientation, or general background. I will put it in very simple terms. Lets say "JOE" has a factor in is life that he should not be discriminated upon (for example) JOE is a hispanic homosexual. JOE does not want to be kept from getting a job based on what he is. JOE wants to be treated equal and be judged on his character, skills, and experience. JOE is right for wanting this. He should not be judged by a potential employer because he is hispanic or because he is homosexual. When searching for a job, JOE should be looked at the same as a straight white man or a straight black woman ect..... In fact, legally JOE cannot be decriminated in the work place for what he is. JOE wants and should be treated the same as everybody else. AN EQUAL. HOWEVER, JOE at the same time, should not receive ANY special treatment, funding, or favor because he is some kind of minority. He is not ENTITLED to any of this. JOE cannot choose to be EQUAL when it is beneficial to him and choose to be a hispanic homosexual when means special things for him. The only people in this country that is ENTITLED to anything are the folks that cannot help themselves. This is a very limited group of people including the handicapped and mentally challenged. Even these people have jobs and do not seek ENTITLEMENT. Get off your ass American and stop waiting for the government to take care of you.

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